How to earn $100 per day via Google AdSense? - Google


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Saturday, April 7, 2018

How to earn $100 per day via Google AdSense?

Who Pay Money?

Adsense is a part of google program which pay you money for showing Ads on your websites. This is the process when a visitor visits your website will see the Ads on them of different advertiser Ads powered by Google. Google usually provide Ads which is generally matched with your content. When visitor click on that Ads advertiser pay money to Google company and nearly 68% of money will pay by Google to you. Signing up Google AdSense is totally free for everyone.

Calculating CTR procedure

CTR means Click-Through Rate. It is calculated by Ad clicks devided by the number of individual Ad impression. Consider, Google provide 3 Adsense ads on your each page of your website. Now visitor will see 3 ads on every page of your website. Hense 1 page view is equal to 3 ad impression.
Formula: Ad CTR = Clicks / Ad impressions
Let consider, your websites get 5 clicks among 500 ad impression, Now you will have CTR 1%.

Let use above formula:

Click = 5,
Ad Impression = 500,
Hense CTR=1%
CPC procedure
CPC means Cost Per Click. It means this is a revenue of your earn every time when visitor clicks on your ad. It may different according to the advertiser. If your website is showing the ads of online markets, finances, Commodity Traders or Shares then your revenue will be more when comparing to some tutorial  or Health ads.

CPM procedure

CPM means Cost per Impression. Some advertiser willing to pay money for impression instead of click. Advertiser may set price for 1000 ad impression. It means they will pay money for each time when visitor visits your website and ads show on them.
Formula: RPM = (Estimated earnings / Number of page views) * 1000
Consider you have $1 estimated earnings from 1000 page views then,
($1/1000)*1000=$1 Page impression

How To Make $100 A Day With AdSense

Assume that you have 1% of CTR with having 0.25 CPC
You know that,
Page View=Ad Impression
If you have 40,000 page views per day then,
Ad Click =40000*1%=400
Estimated earning =$(400*0.25)=$100

Tips to achieve Goal

If you dedicate to your work, there is a chance to earn more than $100 per day. It is easy but not too easy. For this you have to divert your daily task in order to achieve a goal. There is number of option to increase audience in to your website. Some of the useful tips are hereunder;
  • The very first and important task is to make your website more attractive and place useful article  on your website so that more than 100 user visits your site every day.
  • Each article with more than 300 words is suitable for ads. So start writing useful article on your website instead of writing notebook, facebook or other place.
  • Ask your visitor about feedback and similar types of story so that you will get more free articles and visitor will engages like your followers who will be in touch with you all the time.
  • Google Ads will appear like the content you have created, but if you have good impression on your website with no ads click also get nearly $50  as CPM per 50,000 page views.
  • You can earn extra money by selling Ad space through also. Which also provide better money from BuySellAds.
 These are the basic things that you increases Google money. You can earn more money by implement other idea also and from other source also. If you have any other idea of online money, please comment in to the comment box, so that other people also get benefit from this. Thanks for reading.

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