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What is SEO

SEO is nothing but it stands for “search engine optimization.” It is the process of getting traffic from
the free, organic or natural search results on search engines. Search Engine Optimisation is the name which improves search engine rankings on google according to the  activity that attempts.When we see google search result  Google display the links to the page it considers relevant and authoritative. where by analysing the number and authoritative  Authoritative is generally measured. So we can say that as much as your web pages are linked to other web page the ranking in google is better.
If you have a website with full of valuable content and business. Now you have to market for your business. Now the main theme of SEO appears.  so you have to make your website popular so that everyone can get the content of your website. It means your content of site meet top of the  google search engine. But How???


screem or sout only heard at noise. Inactive and hidden website doesnot appear at the top of search engine and not visited by the user. Becouse people doesnot have enough time to search page by page. Which appear at the top 5 rank, these pages are only visited by the user. For that you have to do some task on your site  which approach your site at front in the google.Here is some tips to SEO rank.
You have to edit Feature and service becouse these are the itams which most of the user seen easily.
Find out the suitable keyword: This is the easy method and most used method to SEO. This method makes easy to the user to find their desired content.

Tips of SEO

Junk keywords: Now a days people began to use Junk keywords to rank their web site. This is not best idea for SEO. But it is better to use some of the content.
Heading Tags: Heading Tags is very good method for SEO ranking. So you are recommanded to use heading tag as sutiable as possible. This method allows the robots. It index your website and finally display how important your site is. If you use this method, your site slowly and gradually improve SEO ranking.
sitemap. Creating a clear site map is also the another useful method for improving SEO ranking. This method allows to robots to indes. It shows websites subpages also and total site is counted and helps to improve SEO
The main and important thing is that you must have a content which is unique and visible. use titles, subtitles, heading and subheading and suitable keyword which improves your SEO.

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