7 Tricks To Triple AdSense Earnings In just few Days - Google


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Thursday, April 19, 2018

7 Tricks To Triple AdSense Earnings In just few Days

Google AdSense is really great platform to make online money. For that you have to monetize your website or blogger. In the beginning you may have boring type earning but do not ignore it, keep placing useful article on your website or blogger. As your site rank become better, your earning will be better. So focus your concentration towards your task. Keep posting great article. 
But you may feel tired by very low earning. There are many method available to boost your earning. As I know, you can multiply 3 times better earning if you apply some trick on your website or blog. There are several method but I am using some method that I am sharing with you. Just follow these tips and see result.

1. Add units to Big Websites

If you have largest website with good traffic which is viewed more than 10k per day, just use the add unit on them. I am talking about the AdSense unit not using AdSense itself. This method will increase your online money. Because largest site has largest viewer and your CPC will increase which in-turn back money of CPC.

2. Add units to my Small Websites also.

If you have many small website, and free hosted platforms websites like blogspot or blogger, try to add units to these websites also. These small sites also have some traffic and combine these all site gives you good traffic. Its true that these site do not have active visitors but will give very high CTR(Click-through-rate). You may have less money for one small website but if you have more than 5 websites than you may have good income.
3.Try to use Large AdSense Units
Adsense units having large units will pay better rather than smaller units. Because Smaller Units have very low CTR(click-through-rate). So the Popular AdSense Units are:
336×280 large rectangle,
300×250 rectangle, 
120×600 large skyscraper,
728×90 leader-board.
Among these for AdSense units, the recommended is 300×250 rectangle, 

4.Try to place AdSense Units above the Fold

If you want the ads that is on your website must be clicked then, use units just above the fold. Make add units with 336×280 and place them above the fold. The result of placing between the post and comment is also good but below the post title is mind blowing.

5. Try to Focused on Organic Traffic

The Adsense money will increase if visitor clicks on AdSense ads appear on your website. If your page is visited by some user from somewhere, he just see the post and ignore the ads. But at the same time if some one search your page through the search engine like google or bing, and finds the older page then, they do not go for the recent post or popular post but go on Ads which appear on your website. So try to focuse the organic traffic which will increase the CPC of your AdSense account.

6.section targeting

This is one of the great feature available on AdSense. Here you can suggest some specific section of some site which is matching ads. You can highlight like Recommended for you.
If you have not enough content on your website then google can not find sutaible ads on your page and display unrelated ads but after using section targeting the posibilities of displaying similar ads increases hense increases the CTRS.

7. Use AdSense for Feeds

This is another option that you can apply on your website to maximize your earning. This is the product of AdSense and try to display the ads below the feed items. You will have more than $80 monthly form feed adds if you have more than 1k subscribers.

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